
Wedding Soul 63: Wah Wah 45 Special w/ Dom Servini

Wedding Soul #63:

No April’s fool joke: We’re very happy have Dom Servini with us again at Wedding Soul who’s coming exclusively from London for this one gig! The Label owner, artist scout and amazing DJ from Wah Wah 45s has been with us in 2016 already. We’re looking forward to a soulful, modern and exciting night with Dom!

Join us and check out of the most underrated DJs of our days!

Kein Aprilscherz. Wir freuen uns sehr Dom Servini wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen, der exklusiv für diesen Gig aus London einfliegt. Der Labelchef, Artist Scout und unglaublich talentierte Diskjockey vom renommierten Label Wah Wah 45 war schonmal da, wer sich dran erinnert hat was falsch gemacht. Tanzen, modern, soulful, auf den Punkt gemixt und das mit Humor.

Dom Servini, ganz große Nummer, einer der most underrated DJs dieses Planeten. #besonderswertvoll



Starting from Chiptune with angry cool Game Boys blasting kicks and bloops to live and Dj sets in one night of performances and dancing.

“Dragstar” – Das Portemonnaie

Dragstar*, where glam meets gump in a dazzling homage. Inspired by David Bowies hauntingly beautiful farewell album, this event reimagines the cosmos through the lens of drag, gump, and unapologetic self-expression.

DLTLLY – OnBeatOnly 

The yearly OnBeatOnly event by DLTLLY returns to Panke with 9 written rap battles on beat, including the Title Match.