

Our HANFHAUPTSTADT event is taking place EVERY WEDNESDAY with: LIVE MUSIC / DJ SETS CULTURE & LIFESTYLE SMOKERS LOUNGE (420 friendly) HEMP FOOD ART & EXPOS CANNABIS EDUCATION Doors: 18h —-> open end Further program...
Stranger Bits

Stranger Bits

Stranger Bits///////////////Stranger Bits is born from a passion for unconventional music, the will to offer a different, creative and fun experience, where different realities can mingle together showing that there’s a wide range of unorthodox sounds and...


Our HANFHAUPTSTADT event is taking place EVERY WEDNESDAY with: – LIVE MUSIC / DJ SETS- CULTURE & LIFESTYLE- SMOKERS LOUNGE (420 friendly)- HEMP FOOD- ART & EXPOS- CANNABIS EDUCATION Doors: 18h —-> open end. Further program...


Our HANFHAUPTSTADT event is taking place EVERY WEDNESDAY with: LIVE MUSIC / DJ SETS CULTURE & LIFESTYLE SMOKERS LOUNGE (420 friendly) HEMP FOOD ART & EXPOS CANNABIS EDUCATIONDoors: 18h —-> open end.Further program...
East-West Session #066 Hityawitthat, BeatGeeks & Block Party

East-West Session #066 Hityawitthat, BeatGeeks & Block Party

Wir sind wieder zurück!! Die monatliche Szene-Veranstaltung für HipHop affine Menschen in Berlin öffnet wieder ihre Pforten! Die “East-West Sessions” sind ein Gegengewicht zu kommerziellen Events. Hier geht es nicht nur um Unterhaltung, sondern um die...