Oct 29, 2019 | Café, Music, open decks
Deck 2 Deck lädt Mittwoch, den 30. Oktober, in die Panke ein für unsere wöchentliche Vinyl Session. Willst du deine frisch gekauften Platten ausprobieren, neue DJs kennenlernen, ein paar Runden Tischtennis spielen oder einfach zu deinem Feierabendbier mies bouncen?...
May 6, 2018 | Jam Session, May 7th - 14th, Music, open decks, Panke bar event, Producer's Best Friend
Episode V PBF is an open platform for Beat producers/Composers who can find their perfect match within the beat cipher!!! Bring your Sp, Mpc, machine……whatever! To all the MCs and Singers————OPEN MIC———-> load...
Apr 9, 2018 | April 11th - 14th, Music, Producer's Best Friend
Episode IV PBF is a platform for sample based Beatproducer/MC‘s who can show what they got!!! Bring your Sp,Mpc,machine……what ever! To all the MCs————open mic———-> load your lyrical gun!!! 18-19:30//Dj Intro aka...
Feb 6, 2018 | Café, February 7th - 10th, HitYaWitThat Radio, January 10th - 13th, Music, Panke bar event
HitYaWitThat Crew is presenting their biweekly Radio Show which is focussed on displaying different ramifications of Hip Hop, Electronic Offbeats, Downtempo. ><><><><><><><><> On Air : 21:00 – 0:00...