Willst du deine frisch gekauften Platten ausprobieren, neue DJs kennenlernen, ein paar Runden Tischtennis spielen oder einfach zu deinem Feierabendbier bouncen?
Dann pack deine Schallplatten / Equipment ein und schau in dem Panke Garten am 12.06 ab 15 Uhr vorbei. ———————- (English version below)—————————You wanna try your freshly purchased records, meet new DJs, play some rounds of tabletennis or simply bounce to your after-work beer?
Then pack your records / equipment and come over on the 12th of June to the Panke garden area up from 3pm.DJsColDrip
Carl H. & Shaik
DJ Metabolism
DJ Tamada
Wall RaRap Support by Double UD & our Host DJ Metabolism– All Beatmaker, DJs, MCs & Music Lovers Welcome – Musikstyles: HipHop, Rap, Lo-Fi, Funk, Soul, Jazz, Ambiente, Grime, Dubstep, Drum&Bass, FootworkFree Entrance
Stay safe and keep distance
All Artwork credit goes to Ed Piskor
The event explores the intersection of bass, grime and 140 dubstep, bringing together heavy basslines and live MC energy in an intimate club setting. carefully curated selection of underground sounds, the night highlights the raw, rhythmic essence of these genres.
DLTLLY presents: Jokes Aside
A new format by DLTLLY — first ever stand up comedy evening, featuring battle rappers and comedians.
The Detroit legend Apollo Brown is joined by NYC’s Marco Polo to put on a show to be remembered.