How to find us

PANKE is located in court V within the maze of Gerichstr. 23 along Panke Radweg. In summer you can access the garden directly from the bike path along Panke river.

How to get to PANKE

In summer during the day: Access PANKE through our lovely garden from Panke Radweg along the river. The entrance is next to the corner, where the bike lane cuts through the edge of the house between Gerichststraße and Pankstraße.

In winter: Find your way through the dreaded maze of the courts at Gerichtstraße. Enter from Gerichstr 23, pass the first two courtyards until you reach a bigger open space along the train tracks. There you take the first passage right towards court IV and further to court V at your left. You should then see the entrance of PANKE in the far right corner.
— Many washed and half torn signs that have made it through time might also help you along the route.

After 10pm: The entrance from Gerichtstr 23 will be closed in consideration of our neighbors. You can then reach PANKE via the bikelane along the Panke river coming from Gerichtstraße or Pankstraße. You will access the area from court III close to Anita Berber and Art Loft Berlin. From there you proceed to court IV and V as described above.

Panke e.V.

Gerichstraße 23 · Hof V


Panke e.V.
Gerichtstr. 23 · Hof V
13347 Berlin-Wedding

Office and Bookings:
Erika +491717550083
Justas +4917632926969

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