ASID x Sad Prompt Engineering (SPE)
Water never dies—indeed. It drifts through conditional states, preserving its schemata, just like in holy cybernetics.
ASID and Sad Prompt Engineering (SPE) are inviting you to deal with the ClubCollapse. Engineered by signals intelligence of water and internet, ClubCollapse is an event-tribute to the Cathedral of Crash and Cryogenic Resurrection (CCCR) . A gathering like Second Life, but real. A deconstruction—not of a club, but of electrical current itself. A cyclical night out, but as a really good meme – exceptional.
The icy crack, the burnt pixel, the rift—the break of heart and beat—it’s real. The leaking of an unhinged face through the black screen surface of a cold LCD retina. A cosmic coincidence in the pleroma of virological club nights.
Club Collapse. The real one.
You are invited.
TRYCE b2b Sin Maldita