
CiTiZEN KiNO #28 v.1: Geodesic Space-Time-Body



XLterrestrials present C-KiNO #28 at Panke EV in Wedding. A hybrid of cinema, theater, media hacking and psychomagic!

Dr. Podinski (XLt) and special guests provide the media clips, the viewpoints and the provocations to kickstart your brain.


CiTiZEN KiNO #28 v.1: Geodesic Space-Time-Body

Even Ray Kurzweil, the post-humanist preacher from the Singularity Church recently admitted that intelligence without a body makes no sense. But currently the disembodied world of Big Data is pulling the earth out from under our feet and fueling total colonization of the mind/body. C-KINO #28 takes a retrospective look at the days when Buckminster Fuller’s sustainable architecture and designs were geared for maintaining Spaceship Earth, NOT producing an escapist and vacuum-packed realm of Cyberspace. Full bodily exploration and geodesic time-space is NOT an outmoded, obsolete, game-over scenario; We may need to reclaim and defend the ‘old world’ or the ‘old territories’ for any meaningful and inhabitable future.



Starting from Chiptune with angry cool Game Boys blasting kicks and bloops to live and Dj sets in one night of performances and dancing.

“Dragstar” – Das Portemonnaie

Dragstar*, where glam meets gump in a dazzling homage. Inspired by David Bowies hauntingly beautiful farewell album, this event reimagines the cosmos through the lens of drag, gump, and unapologetic self-expression.

DLTLLY – OnBeatOnly 

The yearly OnBeatOnly event by DLTLLY returns to Panke with 9 written rap battles on beat, including the Title Match.