Overdoze present Lil Reek

Overdoze present Lil Reek

We have another event waiting for you all ! Reek is a young and captivating rising talent from Atlanta currently navigating life between school and a career in music. His Team and him are hitting up Europe in December and we brought them to Berlin ,as a early...
Easterndaze x Berlin: Teyas x Land 3C

Easterndaze x Berlin: Teyas x Land 3C

WIDT x Christoph de Babalon present TEYAS LAND 3C Panke, Gerichstr 23 20:00. Free Entry Audiovisual sister duo WIDT (Antonina Nowacka and Bogumila Piotrowska) from Warsaw and legendary Berlin-based producer Christoph de Babalon rejoin forces after their commissioned...