May 14, 2018 | Ableton Users meeting, Art, concert, may 14th - 21st, Music, Panke bar event, Performances, Workshop
We would like to invite you join our next meeting and meet the artist Wild Anima. Wild Anima comes from the wild soul, the raw state of nature sleeping inside all of us. The intimate part of our living essence. A vocal ambient electronic project merging influences...
May 6, 2018 | concert, May 7th - 14th, Music
Mieli berlyniečiai, Jums tikrai nereikia pristatyti populiariausio Lietuvos dainininko Andriaus Mamontovo, surenkančio pilnas arenas Lietuvoje. Jums tikrai nereikia pristatyti klubo Panke, kurio erdvė daug jaukesnė už visas arenas. O kad abu puikiai dera, daugelis...
Mar 19, 2018 | concert, March 21th - 24th
A – LVM : Confessions of an Altar Boy – SLUT Sound and voice guided exorcism on how One gets over the other One… A – Voice LVM – Sound / MM – Visuals SK – Image / Door : 5...