May 2, 2018 | May 2nd - 6th, Music, Panke bar event
Record Release Antimeta – Squeeze The Juice Swisheeeeesh! Prepare for the most antimeta concert ever. In 3D. And behold! A record has been forged in the deepest caves of Pankow. A record full of suspense, romance and drama. And it has at last awoken. It was...
Apr 26, 2018 | Café, Collaboration, May 2nd - 6th, Music
« Step Into Mai World: Goldene90er vs. Beat Kollektiv/Wedding Soul Shake of the shackles of winter and April showers and head towards the summer with your musical Wednesday Wave Riders / Jstar and Soulix Spinning a fine selection of tropical treats, Island...
Apr 26, 2018 | May 2nd - 6th, Poetry Slam, WeddingSlam
Ein Bisschen Mehr Style Slam und Lesebühne Wedding Residents: Luise Katharina Huboi Aron Boks Yusuf Rieger Wolf Hogekamp brandneue Texte, musikalische Leckerbissen, Schnapsspiele + andere Happenings warten auf Euch. Einlass: 19:30h Start: 20:30h 5€ Einlass ab 18...
Apr 23, 2018 | April 25th - 28th, Backyard Joints, Music
BACKYARD JOINTS – DJ Edition >>> Hip Hop, Beats, Funk, Soul & Jazz >> STRICTLY VINYL > Presented by: BeatPete {Mellow Orange Music / Backyard Joints) Backyard Joints Blog:...
Apr 17, 2018 | April 25th - 28th, Art, Film, Gaming night, MUTANTENKINO,, Talk
Mit der Einführung des Computerspiels entwickelte sich eine eigene Kultur des elektronischen Spiels. Die Veranstaltungsreihe will Arbeiten von in Berlin lebenden Künstler*innen vorstellen, die sich kritisch mit den Computerspielen und ihren sozial-politischen...
Apr 16, 2018 | April 18th - 21st, Groove Therapy, Music
Once again mixed moods and friends curate an eclectic mix of classic and underground grooves from around the globe. Mixing up hip hop and soul, disco, jazz, funk, afro and brazilian sounds. All carefully fused for maximum dancefloor flow. Entry: Free before 22:00, €5...