CiTiZEN KiNO #27 : The Kiss Of Big Data

CiTiZEN KiNO #27 : The Kiss Of Big Data

XLterrestrials present C-KiNO #27 at Panke EV in Wedding. A hybrid of cinema, theater, media hacking and psychomagic! 20:00h – voku / dinner :: 21:00h – kino Dr. Podinski (XLt) and special guests provide the media clips, the viewpoints and the provocations...
CiTiZEN KiNO #26

CiTiZEN KiNO #26

see : for details … C-KINO#26 will explore further the Antrhopocene Vs Indigenous… our follow-up on issues raised at The Whole Earth exhibition and tangent tales of more relevant counter-culture… more coming soon!
CitiZen Kino

CitiZen Kino

XLterrestrials present CiTiZEN KiNO + Voku 20:00h Voku dinner ( people’s kitchen ) 21:00h KiNO Our interactive + performative cinema series continues this month with a deep look into the the feeding frenzy of digital culture, and the rise of a soft and fuzzy...
CiTiZEN KiNO #20: AhPookalypso

CiTiZEN KiNO #20: AhPookalypso

< 21.12.12 > Citizen Kino #20: Ahpookalypso, the end of the low-grade world, and a beginning of higher consciousness… Follow the developing theme(s) here: “ 2012, Mayan culture is still here. The end of western civilization...