CiTiZEN KiNO #32+33 : Organisms vs. Automatons

CiTiZEN KiNO #32+33 : Organisms vs. Automatons

DON’T MISS OUR YEAR-END BLOWOUT ! We’ll be exploring some of our early heretical teachers, and one of our most heated and recurring themes of “humans vs. the machine cult” in a number of straaange ways you might not expect! Follow the theme...
CiTiZEN KiNO #29 : DiY Eco Gnomic

CiTiZEN KiNO #29 : DiY Eco Gnomic

We will be exploring economic alternatives, escape routes, interventions. And Dr. Podinski will PAY YOU to be an ecognomic guinea pig ! Earn XLterrestrial currency while learning to fight demons in foreign countries for a mercenary mythic arggmy, and create another...
CiTiZEN KiNO #28 v.1: Geodesic Space-Time-Body

CiTiZEN KiNO #28 v.1: Geodesic Space-Time-Body

    XLterrestrials present C-KiNO #28 at Panke EV in Wedding. A hybrid of cinema, theater, media hacking and psychomagic! Dr. Podinski (XLt) and special guests provide the media clips, the viewpoints and the provocations to kickstart your brain....