
Ableton User Group: Max for Live Generative Music Workshop

Zsolt — a long-standing ABleton User Group member will present and show how to do generative music using Max for Live.

We are really excited about this session because it will be a sort of hands-on workshop. Bring your own laptop if you’d like to build along with him. Zsolt will be showing the basics of how to build and set up tools for creating melody and rhythm pattern generation.

Zsolt will show us how to use the audio toolkit called BEAP, which aims to replicate modules commonly found in hardware modular systems (e.g. Eurorack). We will build two simple MIDI effects: one for melodies and another one for rhythms. Using your sound-generating plug-in of choice, these simple tools can be combined to create a generative music machine.

This meeting should be especially interesting to anyone who is curious about how to get a start with Max for Live — or is just interested in generative music techniques.

If you have never attended one of Zsolt’s fascinating User Group presentation/workshops, this is your chance!


East-West Session #77

New East-West Session with a live band jam, Corto Pablo, Galv and the one and only Figub Brazlevic.


The event explores the intersection of bass, grime and 140 dubstep, bringing together heavy basslines and live MC energy in an intimate club setting. carefully curated selection of underground sounds, the night highlights the raw, rhythmic essence of these genres.

DLTLLY presents: Jokes Aside

A new format by DLTLLY — first ever stand up comedy evening, featuring battle rappers and comedians.