Title: CANBEMUSTBUTNOT Edition: Erntepankfest
Location: Panke, Gerichtstraße 23, 13347 Berlin, Germany
Link out: Click here
Description: summerbreak is over – karl – sénor sib – jozsef – zeerone – mogreens spin their groovy, funky, cheesi tunes, while you can play tabletennis or join the tagtoolsession with ilan katin
Start Time: 18:00
Date: 2015-10-29
Disko International ft. TRU:L & Red Bird
This session will be joined by a Berlin music activist institution and Smooth Groovin’ Selectress supreme: TRU:L
We cordially invite you to the inaugural celebration of the Nasties, the space which transcends any concept of positivity and negativity.
version x TEKLIFE
A night blending the sounds of footwork and bass music, featuring Loefah of Swamp81.