During the Berlin Fashion Week, 8 young Lithuanian fashion designers questioning the concept of fashion by means of contemporary art will be presented at the “PANKE culture” spaces. It is an unconventional fashion exhibition which contradicts commercial implications and consumer culture, constantly articulated by the fashion industry. Exhibition revolves around the search of conceptual topics as well as nonconformist means of expression (using objects, installations, audio and video works) and invites both artists and visitors to ponder upon the boundary between fashion and art.
Workshops, discussions, meetings with artists and curator-guided tours will be held during the exhibition.
Participating designers: Vidmina Stasiulytė, Rūta Zlatkauskienė, Agnė Biskytė (BIS A BIS), Jurga Sutkutė, Benas Bogušas, Rūta Sakalauskaitė (BELEBERDA), Aneta Mackonytė and Kristina Valančiūtė.
Artistic creation levitates above the majority of human activities. Being non-functional as well as non-causal, it does not transmit the information of what is already visible, comprehensible or meaningful.
Creation is the sphere one can be either devoted or ignorant to; however, despite one or another strategy, one may be gripped, shocked or emotionally overwhelmed by their direct contact with it. The only possible self-liberation here is an analysis or an imitation of one’s encounter with a creative process; attempt to forget it, or fully immerse. This exhibition is therefore a certain confrontation with repetitive, yet unanswered questions, so frequently articulated within the fashion discourse: is fashion art? What is the relationship between fashion and art?
The works presented in the exhibition invite their viewers to contemplate and critically evaluate the crossover of fashion and art disciplines, as well as their clichés and ideologies. The authors challenge the related topics conveying their explanations through fashion instrumentation as well as representational means of contemporary art.
Entry is free for everyone.
Während der Berlin Fashion Week werden acht junge Litauische Modedesigner das Konzept der Mode mittels zeitgenössischer Kunst hinterfragen. Ihre Arbeiten werden in den Räumlichkeiten von “Panke Kultur” präsentiert. Es ist eine unkonventionelle Mode-Ausstellung, die der für die Modeindustrie üblichen kommerziellen Auswirkungen und der Konsumkultur entgegenkommt. Den Schwerpunkt der Ausstellung bilden die Suche nach konzeptionellen Themen und nonkomformistischen Ausdrucksmitteln (Objekte, Installationen, Audio und Video Arbeiten). Die Ausstellung lädt sowohl Künstler als auch Besucher ein, über die Grenzen zwischen Mode und Kunst nachzudenken.
Während der Ausstellung finden Workshops, Diskussionen, Treffen mit Künstlern und kuratierte Führungen statt.
Teilnehmende Designer: Vidmina Stasiulytė Rūta Zlatkauskienė, Agnė Biskytė (BIS A BIS), Jurga Sutkutė, Benas Bogušas, Rūta Sakalauskaitė (beleberda), Aneta Mackonytė und Kristina Valančiūtė.