


The finale of the Grundtvig learning partnership
“Bridging the gap – Learning to learn through music and media”
Hosted by salon bruit e.V. Berlin at PANKE e.V., Gerichtsstr. 23, Berlin
with partners Stubnitz (Hamburg), Staatsaffaire (Vienna) and Gaffer Records (Lyon)



DJ sets of all participants
This should be a celebration. A send off to the end of our Grundtvig Project. Funny DJ sets from all the participants. Changing directions and burning all bridges in half hour sets. Come toast with us this send off/up.
Dj AvanT Reguard
Dj Davidly
DJ Ramdon
DJ one
more t.b.a..

THE TUTORIALS (screenings)
These tutorials are one of the culminations of our meetings.
See how to build your own mic and pickup, the contact mic, explore how to make your own digital instrument using puredata .
Learn how to record sounds onto a computer and how to make animated videoclips
All of this using software available for free to download from the internet.



8 p.m.
Another culmination of our meetings with our partners was finding different ways to improvise together on stage. This last attempt will (over the Thursday and Friday) start with the building of …
The Beast is asleep for now but soon it will awake to be set on the rail of creation, from scratch to life. Unknown and unpredictable, its final shape will be a pure product of raw
elements, creative energy and coincidence. From conception to maturity the beast will need to be tamed and that’s not a one man job. Only a joined effort can succeed. Or fail.
What is the Beast?
The Beast is a sound entity, a combination of hand made modules, which gives it its acoustic shape. Each module is created and engineered by a different person but should be part of global design, decided by the group in an effort to keep these modules complementary.
The design should be kept quite simple to allow quick building phase and easier taming. The use of free or cheep material and equipment is also an important thing to consider.
The Beast Comes Alive The purpose of the Beast is to be tamed by its creators in front of an audience. After the design process is finished, each module will be connected to the others and produce together the sound of the Beast. Some time will be required to explore the possibilities before the live taming performance.
Additional equipment such as effect units may be used in combination to the modules.
9 p.m.
Performance “Hey you” by THE GULP (Jakob Maché und Michael Schmacke)

9:30 pm concerts
# Joke Lanz
Turntablist Joke Lanz creates autonomous sound-cells that melt into a language free of any function. He combines ritual reductionism with anarchistic playfulness, atmospheric soundscapes with cut-up noise and physicalness with unpredictability: Massive scratches, walls of sound, grooves, loops, noises and voice modulations!
As one of Europe’s top turntablists he collaborated with: Shelley Hirsch, Ken Vandermark, Lasse Marhaug, Jorge Sanchez-Chiong, Olaf Rupp, Strotter Inst, Christian Weber, Charlotte Hug, Peter Kowald, Christian Marclay, DJ Olive, Martin Baumgartner, dieb13, eRikM, Martin Tétreault, Christian Wolfarth, Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra, just to name a few.
Best known for his international acclaimed Noise project ‘Sudden Infant’, Joke Lanz is presenting his work since 25 years all over the world. Born in Switzerland and currently operating out of Berlin, Joke Lanz is one of the most prolific and profound artists working in the border zones where performance and body art meet Improvisation and Noise.


# VK is a duet project made recently for the Salon Bruit’s event. It’s an improvised meeting between two musicians.
Victor Moïse aka Esïom, is an electronic producer. He plays a modular synthesizer and extract the sound of different objects and instruments. Those are recorded on the fly, as a source for granular synthesis.
Klaas Hübner is a musician who’s created his own instrument. It’s based on the architecture of a guitar, whose body’s been replaced by a 4 channel tape recorder. The strings controlling the playback speed.
They will experiment and interact by modifying each others sound, in a raw and organic way.


# Pierce Warnecke
‘everything, nothing and the somethings in between’ a collage of sounds and genres, a mix of habits and new interests; from improvised to playback to generative, from synthetic to concrete to noise,
a series of sonic essays, interruptions and digressions on electronic music without restraint or focus.


# NMO – Navnlaust Mønster Opptog is a strict exotic pattern oriented unit. North European Morten J. Olsen (snare drum, tape delay) and South European Rubén Patiño (SuperCollider, mixer) make a sort of military danceable space music and/or fluxus techno which blends acoustic and computer generated sounds while exploring repetitive structures and sound spatialisation.
Morten <http://www.mortenjolsen.tk> J. Olsen, from Stavanger, Norway, a musician, sometimes composing – once in a blue moon involved in other arts.Summer Solstice. 1m78cm. Middle Weight.
Rubén Patiño, also known as Pato <http://www.patooo.net>, originally from Barcelona, works in the combination of electronic tonalities and visual arts.Taurus. 1m74cm. Light Heavy Weight.


DJ Avant Reguard Presents -*Mixed Up Outsider Sounds for Mixed uP Outsiders*-.
sounds densely layered and pulled from multiple sources including avant garde film soundtracks, sample processed recontextualised commercial radio, left field sound art avant gardists, renowned underground micro labels and audio arts and oddments from the world wide web and beyond.
THE TUTORIALS (screenings)



Starting from Chiptune with angry cool Game Boys blasting kicks and bloops to live and Dj sets in one night of performances and dancing.

“Dragstar” – Das Portemonnaie

Dragstar*, where glam meets gump in a dazzling homage. Inspired by David Bowies hauntingly beautiful farewell album, this event reimagines the cosmos through the lens of drag, gump, and unapologetic self-expression.

DLTLLY – OnBeatOnly 

The yearly OnBeatOnly event by DLTLLY returns to Panke with 9 written rap battles on beat, including the Title Match.