
Zeegotopia: Ecotopia [2019]

ZEEGOTOPIA: Ecotopia [2019] :: Soli-Zestival für die Zukunft

SAVE THE DATE, from JULY 10th to JULY 14th, 2019


JULY 3rd :: Wednesday :: 20:00
Vernissage Zeegotopia Exhibition
@ Filmrisz, Friedrichshain
** screening of “Chão” (Landless), by Camila Freitas
Ingrid Bittar
Julieta Abdon
Keti Gorgiladze
Eli Morin, a Zeegotoh Child
Nonhuman Nonsense

JULY 10th :: Wednesday :: 20:00
Varieti Schow #4:
@ 800A, Wedding

JULY 11th :: Thursday :: 21:00
a Night of Rap and Hip-Hop
@ Panke, Wedding
— with
DIC – Displaced ideas crew
Ethnique Punch
LNZ * Visual Album

JULY 12th :: Friday
Ecological, Creative Workshops and Concerts
@ Prinzessinnengarten Kollektiv Berlin
: : 14:00
Workshop: Beeswax Wraps with Leonie
: : 16:00
Workshop: Comic Drawing with Antoine

JULY 13th :: Saturday :: 15:00
Open Air Fest with VOODOOHOP
@ Gaswerksiedlung Berlin, Rummelsburg



Zeegotoh e.V. presents the second edition of our summer festival: Zeegotopia! After an exquisite first edition, the festival is back with full power – and this year, Zeegotoh goes grün!
During the full four days of festival, all effort put into the workshops, concerts, talks, performances and dances (yes dances!) reflects our vision of environmental protection and solidary action. Zeegotoh believes that reinforcing community organizations and solidifying the bonds between them is of tantamount importance in the struggle against climate change. Therefore, Zeegotopia’s proceeds will be donated to AufBuchen e.V., an association that actively plants trees North of Berlin, with an upcoming planting in the fall.

Join us for another splendid holiday on Planet Zeegotopia, which promises love explosions, beautiful music, frank discussions, art, and if not a revolution, at least a step towards a green transition!


In 1961, Frantz Fanon wrote, “Each generation must, out of relative obscurity, discover its mission, fulfill it or betray it”. Now, almost two full decades into the 21st century, the mission that will become the great struggle of this century, the struggle against climate change brought on by human activity, is unmistakable. For the past two centuries, we largely ignored the extent of the damage to our planet brought on by industrialization, modern capitalism, and globalization. As the catastrophic consequences of our actions become increasingly apparent, another illusion is unraveling: the illusion that governments will take up the task on their own initiative or that scientists will come up with a “magic bullet” technology that will prevent the worst of the damage, with no adjustments to our current lifestyles. Slowly, we are beginning to realize that no one is coming to save us. The lack of political will and media attention regarding climate change is, while astonishing, now well-known. Oftentimes, political energy seems to be actively diverted towards crashing the train of human civilization into the proverbial mountain. In this way, stuck as we are between political paralysis on one side and the impossibly dire consequences of inaction on the other, we are discovering our mission.
With these thoughts at the forefront of the mind, the focus of the second edition of Zeegotopia, our summer festival taking place between July 10th and 14th, is action on climate change. By teaming up with other organizations such as Klimaschutznotstand, Aufbuchen, thinkers, and activists, we hope to create a learning space to discuss the wider picture and to craft local solutions to local problems. We will feature workshops, discussions with invited speakers, concerts, and exhibitions. The festival’s events will be united around common themes of environmentalism and community solidarity.


East-West Session #77

New East-West Session with a live band jam, Corto Pablo, Galv and the one and only Figub Brazlevic.


The event explores the intersection of bass, grime and 140 dubstep, bringing together heavy basslines and live MC energy in an intimate club setting. carefully curated selection of underground sounds, the night highlights the raw, rhythmic essence of these genres.

DLTLLY presents: Jokes Aside

A new format by DLTLLY — first ever stand up comedy evening, featuring battle rappers and comedians.